Greater Copenhagen Brand Analysis

Analysing the Greater Copenhagen brand

Together with our Head of Analysis, I conducted an analysis on the performance of the Greater Copenhagen brand since its launch in 2016 until 2018. The analysis used our data from various digital campaigns to determine the level of brand building activities through interactions and engagement with the brand and its content.

As we hadn’t run any brand building campaigns for the Greater Copenhagen brand as such, we faced the challenge that we could just ask people a series of questions and then analyse the responses.

The whole idea behind the “Greater Copenhagen”-brand is not to spend ressources on building a new brand, but instead using the already existing brand “Copenhagen” to drive conversions from day one. For this reason the target group probably wouldn’t recollect the “Greater”-brand as compared to the existing “Copenhagen”-brand and also determining our effect on improving the already existing brand would also be difficult.

Instead the analysis used responses as direct actions and behaviour from the target audience and I analysed these interactions and engagement to determine the amount of brand building activities and target audiences’ response to the brand messaging.

Background for the analysis

The analysis was ordered by the Greater Copenhagen Committee consisting of representatives from all the brand stakeholders.

The purpose of the analysis was in part to give a report of how the brand had evolved through the past 3 years and to analyse how the brand’s target groups had responded to the brand messages within the investment promotion and talent attraction target groups.

The data for the analysis consisted of +10 digital campaigns with more than 100 million impressions and 1 million unique website visitors.

To determine how the target group had reponded to the brand messages I made an analysis comparing the different main ad messages across channels divided into an overall demographic segmentation on age and gender.

This enabled us to measure the response to the specific brand message within each segment relative to how the segment in general responded to messages from the Greater Copenhagen brand.

Measuring brand interaction

To measure the interaction with the brand messages, I made an analysis of the engagement with the brand across channels against the overall estimatet target group size within the specific campaign segment.

This gave us overall indicators on, to which degree we had engaged the target audience with the messages in the campaign.

Linking this to the actual value generated per campaign to determine the actual effectiveness would be the next step, though this was out of scope for this analysis.

If you want to read the full analysis, please contact me at