Interactive platform displaying the value generated by foreign owned companies

One of our biggest challenges uniting the local stakeholders around the Greater Copenhagen brand has been to convince them that collaborating towards the benefit of the entire region will benefit all the involved stakeholders.

Municipality borders have always seemed to be very important to these stakeholders, but in the scope of international foreign direct investment promotion, they really don’t matter that much.

When branding places, it makes much more sense to look at the entire metropolitan area rather than the individual municipalities.

To support this point with concrete facts, we retrieved statistical data from Danmarks Statistik (Statistics Denmark) on the municipality level showing the number and value generated by foreign owned companies – where their future employees are paying their taxes, what other local companies the fDis are buying their products and services from and so on.

To make this data accessible, I built a digital platform enabling the user to dig through the datasets on the municipality level, bringing a very important fact to the table; foreign owned companies indeed contribute to a great part of Denmark’s GDP and the value their generate is divided widely across municipal borders. 

The platform itself is built as a simple landingpage with a PowerBI dashboard with functions to filter on municipality and years.

The platforms was built on a quite tight deadline and I only spend around two days on it (and yes, it could definitely be more mobile friendly), but it had a tremendous communicational effect on our local stakeholders.